Sunday, January 31, 2010

first month..

We've been married for a month..(^_^)
Despite only 1 month, but I have already tasted the "asam garam" of married life.
But alhamdulillah, we're still going on strong.
Despite how "bad" the situation can be, but we are able to resolve the issues.
I somehow can't stay mad at my hubby for long..:P

The past month, I find myself going back home straight after work.
I feel at ease at my home, doing home chores, cooking dinner (although I need LOTS of practice for this), and I secretly watch my wedding montage over & over again..tee hee..
But I know, I should go back to my gym routine. I will. Soon.
Also, I like how we both try to pray together as much as we can. At least twice day if possible. During weekends we're able to do it more often.

Alrighty, we're off to my mom's house tonight.
If we're lucky, we're able to celebrate our first month by having prosperity burgers at mcds..yum~
Have a good week ahead folks..:)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mrs Bert in the house..

Hola everybody...I'm back!
It has been 3 weeks since my wedding day.. time sure flies.
I appologize for not able to update this blog of mine..
We have internet at home, but somehow, I always been caught up doing other house chores.
Somehow, after being a wife, I feel more "semangat" to do any house chores..
Cleaning, tiding up, re-arranging furnitures, cooking~ tee hee hee..
It helps when you have your own house! :)

How's life as a wife? It has been good.. so far so good..
Of course, there were some bumps in the road.. some adjusting to do for both parties..
But hey, it has only been 3 there's still a long way to go..
And Mr Bert.. he has been a wonderful husband..
I thank Allah everyday for meeting me with a man who is so self-less and who loves me dearly :)
Syukur alhamdulillah...

I have lots to to share.. but when time permits yah.
Till then, good night folks. Mrs Bert is signing off.. xoxo