Friday, February 04, 2005

Summer rain..


It freaking cold! It feels like winter again! and it's summer! how ironic.. It has been raining ..and raining.. and raining.. I practically have to take out my jacket & my boots to class! So, uptil today, I haven't felt the heat of summer yet.. Its "winter summer" now..whatever..

Due to the cold, I felt extra sleepy, and extra lazy today.. my mind kept thinking of my warm blanket back home. We learned about Numbers today, including children's capacity of using calcalators in the classroom.. In the evening, I headed for Gym again.. Body Combat today.. I can't kick as high! perrghh.. Have to improve on that..

At last, I finnally cooked dinner.. my own recipie actually.. I just mix tomato sauce+ chilli sauce+ oyster sauce+ chilies into the beef.. it tasted..okie? =)

Hmm.. no pic taking today.. but I'll just show you the roses that Emma & I bought from CM the other day.. Now our home has the "Casa Impian" look! hehe.. lovely isn't it?

Roses on the dining table.. Posted by Hello

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