Monday, February 14, 2005

"Car wash" & ladies outing day..

Today, when Emma & I woke up, we were shocked to see our balcony filled with bird's feathers, all messed up & disorientated. From the mess, we concluded that Kaka & Dida had killed a bird! jeng jeng.. the balcony looks like one of those murder scenes in CSI..hehe.. we couldnt find the body, but we did find a little portion of the bird's heart/ lungs (it was red colour, really tiny..) poor poor birdy.. well, at least we know that Kaka & Dida had a feast last night! hehe..

the crime scene.. Posted by Hello

Later in the day, Emma decided to go out for a lil all-girls outing. So, Juliet, my new next-door neighbour, followed us & we picked up Abu's cuz, Tania. We headed to the car wash first, coz the car was rather dirty. Of coz we went on & on singing the famous "car wash" from the Shark Tale movie.. It felt like the good ol' times when we were young & were VERY afraid of the whole carwash machine.. =)

"It's your car wash today.." Posted by Hello

pilot & co-pilot Posted by Hello

the "survived" passengers.. Posted by Hello

Feeling EXTREMELY hungry after that, we walked around Rundle Mall & ended up eating at David Jones' foodcourt. We had Boost drinks (it was 33 degrees.. so yeah, needed something refreshing..)& had Nandos & Roshans for lunch.. After lunch, we did some shopping at Supree, where most of the clothes were on sale from $5-$20.. The gals went shopping..and I, well..I just went window shopping..hehe..

post-lunch pose Posted by Hello

After all the shopping & such, we met up with the boys at Rundle st.. Idham & Hisham is back from Brunei, so it was good to see them.. we had more drinks coz it was getting quite hot, and we were all thristy camels.. while chilling at the cafe, so saw heaps of big motor bikes passed by, and all the aussie "mat rempek" lepaking at the cafes.. unfortunately, they were not as good looking as we thought! hehe..

chillin' with the guys..Hisham, Abu & Idham.. Posted by Hello

chillin' with ma' ladies.. Posted by Hello

summergirls.. Tania, Emma & Juliet Posted by Hello

the friendly neighbours..=) Posted by Hello

We headed back home soon after, and somehow, I met more people, both new & old friends : Prem, Pravin, Aaron, May.. then later, a whole bunch of people were at my house to see Kaka & Dida: Ann, May May, new people Aaron & Emma.. Juliet dropped by of coz, wanted to watch "Potianak Harum Sundal Malam". We finished the first disc, but she was too scared to watch the 2nd disc (she didnt even scream, but she was actually terrified! ) so yeah, to be continued perhaps tmrw.. what a looongg day~

1 comment:

Noranna said...

Love that "CSI Cat Crime Scene" photo. However, I feel so cheated that you went boosting WITHOUT me! WAH! *sniff*. You got to see Idham? He's back? Weird.

Oh, and I can't come to Uni SA O'Week night with The Camels. Sorry... :(

We have to go boosting again. Like very soon, buddy!