Thursday, July 23, 2009

New Fort

Today, I came home early after work.
Was supposed to go to the gym, but I went to HQ to send some documents, so since I was already near the highway, I went home early.
Mr Bert called around 6.30pm, sounded fairly calm & chirpy.
Usually when he is like this, he is in a good mood.
He has been telling me about this project he's been working on.. and tomorrow is the first step.
So I guess, he is looking forward for it..
If he gets this, Insyallah it will be better start for our future. Looking forward to that.
Will doa for you dia.. good luck! :)


"I suka tengok you cheeky like that dia.. Should show more of your cheekiness, tak payah la nak control macho sgt... :P"
"Benda tu spontaneous..di luar kawalan. So.. takkan berlaku dgn selalu."

Chett.. sabar ajelah Mr Bert..


Lately, my foot has been rather itchy.
Like the saying goes.. "kalau gatal tangan, nak dapat duit. kalau gatal kaki, nak pi jalan la tuh.."
in one month's time.. I will go for a (very short) vacation!
I am bringing Papa to meet my future in laws, and am tagging my siblings along..
It will be Dzhofier's first airplane flight (believe it or not!)
It's only 2 days, but I know I can't wait for the yummy food & the hospitality that awaits..
Sayangnye masa tuh bulan puasa.
Oh well, puasa or non-puasa, New Fort, here we come.. (^_^)

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