Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mr Bert's Bday!

As planned, we had our japanese buffet lunch at Sagano Restaurant, Renaissance Hotel.

Mr Bert had 6 rounds total, I only had 3 rounds.
Sushi.Tempura.Sahshimi.Oysters.Teriyaki Chicken.etc etc..
I took my very own sweet time to eat, enjoying every bite.
As for desserts, I had ice kacang, Mr Bert had green tea ice cream, and we shared some cake assortments..
It was a relaxing lunch.. we were there for about 2 hours.. and we left with very full tummies!

To my dearest fiance, Mr Bert..
Am sorry cause I didn't get you any presents this year, but you'll be getting your hantarans later this year.
Sorry I didn't get you a birthday cake, but we'll be cutting one soon on our wedding day.
Nevertheless, thank you dia..thank you for being so wonderful.. I couldn't ask for more from you..
I can't wait to be your wife Insyallah..
Happy Birthday sayang..I heart you! (^_^)

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