We had a day called "Spacial costume day" where the children (and teachers) are allowed to wear any special costume for that day..
And, I had my gang too~ We're the "Flying Squad"- the superwoman, the batman & the bumblee bee! Others wore traditional costumes & casual wear..

The Flying Squad!

We also had a 'Pajama Party'. All the children (and the class teachers) wore their pajamas for that day. It was pretty cool to drive to work in your pajamas! I wanted to wear my khafton, but since its so berkoyak at the wrong places, so I wore my nice satin pajamas instead!
Anyways, the children were so adorable in their pajamas. They also brought along their teddy bears, pillows, blankets, and also their bantal busuk! I brought along my bulat-ness Harry bear, which the children adore! We had games (musical chairs, statue dance & lucky draw), we had lotsa food. And, upon the children's request, I told them a bedtime story before their 10 minutes nap time. After laying the bedsheets on the floor, the lights were off and everyone snuggled in for a quick nap (which didn't last too long, as they were all busy chatting among themselves). Next, my teacher blew the whistle, and it was time to get up! The kids really enjoyed themselves that day!
One of their favourite games, Musical Chairs (and I joined along!)
Me in action, telling the children a bedtime story..

I have a new hobby now... READING!