Tuesday, April 27, 2010

6 months to go...

That's my baby bump alright..at 3 months +.I can still see my 10 toes.
I personally think my tummy is not too big (yet), but it is obvious.. It also depends on the clothes I wear.Sometimes it can't be seen, sometimes it is right smack at your face. hehe..

I can't believe it.. 6 months & you'll be out Munckin.. Mummy can't wait to see you..


I was having lunch at my pantry today, and my kitchen helper was looking at my face.
"Teacher Helena.. I think you're gonna get a boy.."
"Huh? Last time you said it's gonna be girl.."
"Tulah...last time your face was round & glowing , now your face looks different.. your tummy also not showing much. I think it's gonna be a boy.."

Hmm.......interesting.. kecian Munckin tukar gender.

Another kitchen helper, she asked me

"Cikgu rasa baby sebelah kanan ke kiri?"
"Ermm..kat tengah2 lah.."
"Oh ye ke.. kalau kiri tuh perempuan, kat kanan tuh lelaki.."
"Habis tengah2?"
"Tengah2 tuh.. maknanya belum tentu lagi lah.."

I wonder how they know about these theories.. hmm....

Papa sent me a msg on fb..

"Meen.. is it blue or pink? Or should I buy black & white? hehe.."
I strongly feel he was referring to Munckin's baby clothes.. *you lucky baby!*
I casually replied "Neutral colours pa..."

When I told Mr Bert, he said "What if he buys red or green?"
Christmas colours! Cian munckin..
"In pastel of course!"
Well, we'll see...Susah jugak tak tahu gender nih..


What's up with men & cold food?
I was having a conversation with my admin on the way home, and we realized our husbands have the same habit. The habit of eating cold food.

"I was ready to make fresh hot Chapati when he got home from work, and he easily said 'No need' and ate the Chapati I made over lunch. Even the curry I made, doesn't want to heat up. He'll just take the curry as it is. Might as well don't have a microwave."

Haha.. same perangai! I was thinking of buying of microwave soon cause I never like when Mr Bert eats his meals cold, although he doesn't mind it. I mean, isn't it much nicer to be serve with hot/warm cooked food right? I just don't understand men..Maybe their reasoning would be not to troublesome the wife..or maybe they are just plain lazy? God knows!


Last Sunday, we had lunch with my parents at Mr Bert's uncle's house. They invited us for a yummylicious home cooked lunch... sedap! Anyways, before lunch, Uncle was asking Mr Bert
"So, are you truly ready to be father?"
Mr Bert gave a big smile,and nodded his head "Yes, Insyallah..I am ready"
"It is not about just getting a child, but the process of getting the child. When your wife is pregnant, there will be lots of changes. Macam2 ragam.. are you ready to face all that?"
"Yes uncle, I am aware.."
"You can't tengking & such tau... you have to treat her right..."
"I tak pernah marah Meen.."

When he said that, I was recalling the past few weeks, and it is true...he never scolded me. He will tegur of course, in a firm "fatherly" way..sometimes he will say things sarcastically, but bottom line, he never scolded me. I am thankful.. Let's hope he'll stay this way, even as a father nanti Insyallah.. :)


Mosaic of Food said...

Hi Meen:
When I was pregnant with Liyana we didn't want to know the gender of the baby. Wanted it to be a surprise. I bought lots of whites,very light greens and light yellows. Both baby boy and girl can wear those colors. Don't buy too many clothes for now. First because babies grow so fast and second you will get gifts that will help you start the baby closet. Good luck. Hope you'll have an easy delivery like me - just an hr and a half of labor after the water broke. - A. Maz

Yumi said...

Thanx for the tips Aunty Maznah.. I am praying hard that my delivery will be smooth sailing Insyallah.. :)