Monday, March 14, 2011

1st day @ work

How was my first day at work?
Well, here's my work desk..

And here's the view from the window..

Not bad huh?

Btw, the office I am in now is the HQ, so it's temporary. My future office will be in the childcare centre, which is still under construction. I have yet to visit the site, but the proposal layout was really impressive. Insyallah, by September the childcare will operate.

So far so good..My ex-boss (now my new boss) is there, so it was great to hear a 'familiar' voice around. He explained to me the mechanics of the centre, and I have started work by going through the list of materials of each class & also doing the teachers list. I have 24 under me, mostly malay teachers, and I have 6 male teachers as well! This should be interesting.. I was quite occupied through out the day..

One good thing about joining this company, they provide lunch, and sometimes breakfast & tea too. I had curry ayam with vegs + rice.. I was super full after lunch. Tmrw I will opt for bread instead of the rice!

I would say, my first day went well. I went there feeling happy, came back home feeling the same. The only person who was not happy was my little hero. Cik Nor mentioned that he has been really cranky the whole day, cries a lot and slept less. Sighh, why lah baby? Tengah beralih bulan ye? Hope he won't be as cranky tonight..

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