Friday, March 11, 2011

a bitter sweet goodbye

Today was my last day in Beaconhouse.
Frankly speaking, I never thought this day could come so soon. I've always imagined that I would stay on for a couple more years, being the HOS with my kid(s) in school. That vision had always been in my mind. But, that has change now.

3 1/2 years in this company, and I have learned a lot.
I was pretty lucky to get the offer as a HOS, although I have applied as a teacher post. The first few months were crazy for me. It wasn't easy as being the HOS requires a lot of Management & Administrative skills, aside from my ECE knowledge. A HOS needs to be a multi-task person, and it was rather overwhelming for me.

When I started out, being the youngest in my school and needing to lead the school was rather challenging. I had some difficult teachers, demanding parents, and I have no clue of managing things. Over the years, I began to gain confidence, and I am able to understand the dynamics of the system, the management, the teachers, the other HOS, the parents, the children.

Downfalls, there were several. I think there were some entries that I wrote, especially when I feel doubtful of myself after getting complaints from parents & the management. There were several times when I cried in the office, once I was comforted by a child, the other by my teacher. Once I cried at the supermarket after getting a call from the management. The hospital incident.. Sigh..Those were the ugly times.

But despite the downs, there are the ups. My achievements include organizing the school concert (2 sessions for 6 preschools, just before my wedding!) & the school carnival (when I was pregnant), having to reach the highest student target of 135 in July 2008 (before the management decided to raise the fees), having satisfaction comments from parents about my teachers, managed to attend several ECE conferences, constant increment every year.. Alhamdulillah, all were meaningful experiences for me.

And today, the journey has come to an end. I have 2 farewell luncheons, one with the HOS, and the other with my teachers & staff. My farewell wasn't too emotional, but it was a quiet and meaningful departure for me.

When I was biding farewell to everyone, one of my kitchen ladies started to cry. She said,

"Selama cikgu kat sini, cikgu tak pernah marah saya.."

Oh my gosh, I was super touched!

Another kitchen lady, approached me and actually salam & kiss my hand to apologize for any of her wrong doings. And mind you, she is 56 this year. Terharunye..

Some of the statements that was told to me..

"We're gonna miss having you around..."
"We'll definitely miss your cherry voice"
"Please don't forget us, and keep in touch"

Insyallah, I will remember the experiences and the memories that I've gained. I look forward for the new adventures in my new job, which starts on monday.Wish me luck..

Me with the Head Of Schools (HOS)

Me & the Bangsar crew..

Love this picture of Mr Bert..the scenery is the same like my current blog page right? *winks*

Reminiscing the past..we'll get there soon you today, tmrw & forever my dia..

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