Monday, February 28, 2011

many faces of mateen @ 5 months old

Things are getting better now.. no more heavy rains, just cloudy with a little touch of sunshine..:)
Been posting too many sappy sad songs.. let's change the mood & post Mateen's latest photos @ 5 months old..


Mateen now has 2 room mates at his taska.
Mia Zahra & Damia. Baby Mia, 3 months & Kakak Mia, 1 year.
Mateen is still the only baby boy..he likes all the attention.. ;)


I was stuck in a massive jam earlier. It rained so bad, I was on the road for 1 hour. Lucky thing I managed to reach the taska by 6.30pm.. or else, late penalty charges applies.

Anyways, in the car, the DJ started to play some catchy tunes, the songs that kinna reminds me of the good ol' gym days.. At that moment, I really missed my gym days.. the Body Pump, Body Combat, Step classes.. Love the sweat & collaborative workout..

Fast forward to now, I can't seem to find time to workout.Weekdays are out, cause I have to rush & pick up Mateen before 6.30pm, unless I don't mind paying an extra RM 5 daily. sheeshh. Then Weekends are the times we have plans, or it's our cleaning day, or laundry day, or groceries day, or my cooking day..

So how? susahnya nak excercise..

But suprisingly just now, I was in the mood to try out my wedding bajus... Both my baju nikah & my baju bertandang FITS! Which means, I have gone back to my pre-pregnancy body! Biar betul? hehe..alhamdulillah.. But I know, still got some flabs to work on..

Wanna go for those aerobic classes.. :(


Am starting to love tweeting.. it's fun, especially when you are free or bored.
Wanna BB Bold...quick!

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