Saturday, January 22, 2011

school plans

That's me @ 2 months old, back in November 1983, and here's Mateen @ 4 months old in January 2011. See how both our feet are in the same direction? (heck, maybe all babies sit that way! :P )

Lately, I've been thinking a lot of Mateen's schools.. I've not gone up to High School, but I've been thinking about his pre-school & primary school. Yeah I know, maybe I sound like a typical kiasu parent, but it is crucial to plan ahead, especially for financial purposes.

Since I'll be going to a different company, they too have pre-schools, and staff children are able to enrol their child with 50% discount. I managed to get an "inside" info, comparing my current school & the new school, and the verdict.. the new school is more beneficial in the long run. They have more hands-on learning, they have smaller student-teacher ratio, the few positive points of the school. So,when Mateen joins the school (either when he's 18 months old or 28 months old), I would need to hunt for a transporter to send him to his current daycare after school. Yeap, that would incur more cost = preschool + transporter + half day daycare, but what choice do I have?

Of course Mr Bert & I had different opinion about this. He thinks that we should just send Mateen to a "normal" whole day kindi-daycare, which can save cost. No need to spend more.
But ME, being in this line of early education, I don't wanna simply send Mateen to a "chi-kai" kindergarden-cum-daycare! Of course, it will save money, but does that provide quality in my son's well being- socially, emotionally & academically? Of course, at the end of the day, it is not where you send your child, it is who you're child is with- teachers & friends.

So, when the time comes, I will be persistent to have Mateen in my choice of school. Like the saying goes, education does not come cheap. Insyallah, the rezeki will come if God permits. There's still time to decide.

As for his primary school, I don't intend to send to a private school as yet. There is a public primary school nearby, and it is known as a quite good school, so maybe Mateen will go there. But of course, there 7 years time of planning. It would depend on many other factors- home location, job location, other children? :PThat's just some thoughts.. be many things can happen along the way.

Was talking to my admin yesterday, who will be resigning as well, and I said:

"Hey Gina, remember exactly a month ago, we both had NO intention at all to resign? We were both looking forward to the adventures in 2011.."

"Yeah! That's so true.. But not long after, that 'incident' happened, your got the promotion & the new job offer, and now... things have changed.."

It's true like the saying goes, You can plan all you want, but God can change your plans in a blink of an eye. So cherish what you have now.. :)

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