Last Saturday we had a small gathering for Lan's short trip back in KL. Mateen managed to 'hang out' with Lan's daughter, Ammara Sumayyah, who was born 34 days after Mateen. If according to the EDD, Sumayyah was supposed to be born first before Mateen, but then again, Mateen decided to come out 6 weeks early, which makes Sumayyah the youngest cicit in the family. :)
It was a good gathering.. yummy food, good company.. Lan being funny as always, being 'poyo' as usual, Zu & I shared lots of stories & experiences about motherhood, there were 2 leagues of babies, Mateen & Sumayyah (the real 'babies', happily adored by all), and Suri & Trisya, who were running around & hyper. And guess what, all the babies had a turn to cry (being hungry, or sleepy, or cranky), except for Mateen! He was such a good boy, observing what others are doing. Mummy's proud son! :D
Here's a shoot of the 4 2010 babies & their mummies. Missing here is Arfan (which Mateen has yet to meet) & Afnan. Oh, I've just realized, Mateen's the only "boy" in this photo! Such a lady magnet baby! :p
Btw, I am on MC today. My first MC last year was in April, but this year, I got an MC in January itself. Have been getting the sexy husky voice since Saturday, and bad coughing at night. So, decided to take the day off to recover.
But, being me, I did not "duduk rumah diam2". I did groceries, I paid some bills.. and later today, I am planning to cook dinner (and the rest of the week's meals). Even Mateen's here with me, not at the daycare. Love to spend the day with my chubby son. :)
In a week's time, we'll be heading to New Fort. We'll be there for 1 week, so Mateen can meet up with Tuk Ma (my MIL, who has yet to see her cucu), Nani & the twins, and Mr Bert's relatives. I am really looking forward to this trip! It won't be a shopping trip, but I really want Mateen to experience & enjoy KB to the fullest.. counting the days..
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