Monday, January 31, 2011

flu flu, go away..

I'm typing this blog while having a face mask on me. My cough has worsen, and suddenly I got the flu, with multiple sneezing and unbearable running nose. I just got back from the clinic to get stronger meds, and yes, Mateen followed me the whole time. I am so blessed that Mateen is not getting a cold like me..

Today was actually my first time bringing Mateen to the clinic & Tesco solo-handedly. Managed to park at the "Parents, Babies & Children Parking Zone", which was awesome! It was cool to be deserved that front row of parking. Mateen was in the sling the whole time, and at every casher counter, the ladies will say hi to him..

Up til now, Mateen still gets the "Is it a boy or girl" question.. Despite me wearing him blue-ish clothes. Maybe his "manly" features are not obvious yet.. hmm..

In less than 24 hours, I will be in New Fort, perhaps enjoying the food that my MIL & FIL has bought for us to eat. I hope I'll be better when I'm there.. Till next week folks.. adios..

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