Sunday, March 21, 2010

food glorious food

As far as being pregnant, I don't have any morning sickness (thank God!).
A few weeks ago, my pattern is eating & sleeping.
This week, I've noticed that I take afternoon nap very rarely now days. I guess my body is able to sustain the whole day compared to before. However, my admin did remind me "This week is school holidays, maybe you are not so tired/stressed out". That's true! I'll see how I go this week, to nap or not to nap.

As for the food...I do crave, but not too bad I guess.Like last week, I craved for Mama's homemade burgers. Since I need to wait until the weekend, I told Mr Bert to buy me Burger Ramli instead. I can substitute or I can wait, my will power is still strong :P

This week, Munckin had a gala time with Mummy. I've been eating lots of GOOD food. And at this stage, my taste-buds triggers so well, somehow every food I eat tastes better, my appetite is has increased, and I enjoy eating very much!

On Wednesday, my kitchen helper brought extra nasi lemak, and put it on my office table. I was doing my work on the pc, but the smell of the nasi lemak was very attempting! So, I took a break & enjoyed my Nasi Lemak in the pantry. sedapppp........

On Thursday, I had lunch with Chia Yee. We ate at Delicious Bangsar, and of course, I ate my favourite Mama's Beef Spagethini.. Oh yummm......the cheese melts instantly in my mouth! We also had dessert, banana & peach crumble + vanilla ice cream. :)

On Friday, went out bestie Shades. It was supposed to be a gals night out, but the rest were not available, so it was just the two. Shades felt like eating something fishy, so we had Manhanttan Fish Market, and I ate Salmon with Garlic rice... yuummmm... but, it wasn't as yummy as the one in Crowne Plaza! ;p

On Saturday, Mr Bert wanted to go to Mamaneesa, and I had my share of Nasi Kerabu.. it was so nice & sedap!! It was really rezeki Munckin, eating all the delicious food. My only drawback is that I can't have meals late. If later than schedule, I feel slight headache, and I will feel nauseous. So, I have to eat on time! Skipping meals are a no-no!

Eating a lot leads to weight gain, right? Lots of ppl has commented about my (slight) weight gain. Frankly, I don't really mind, cause there's Munckin in me. Now, I can so relate to the tagline " I am pregnant, not Fat". But of course, I will take care of my sugar intake & food intake, as Mr Bert always advice. I hope I am able to lose the weight I gained after Munckin is born Insyallah. But for now, yummy food, come to mama ! :)

ps: My current craving, Chili's Lamb Shoulders & Chocolate Mud Pie.. Who wants to bring me? *hint hint*


Ummi to Hamzah said...

meen,mmg sometime susah fight food craving but somehow better you try gak keep good balance of food intake.not so much about dieting but maintaining ur weight to a certain target throughout pregnancy.not neccessarily meaning it'll lead to complications nak give birth..probably xkan affect langsung kn tp maybe another problem is that losing the additional kgs tu after bersalin yg susah.all bout ur own health :)
i pun ada time nyesal gak give in to craving especially during 2nd trimester,mmg naik mendadak im approaching 34 weeks and total weight gain is 15.6kg banding prepregnancy weight!its advisable throughout pregnancy the most u gain is max im trying best to maintain the current weight hopefully till 40 weeks or when baby pops out.well probably my real weight gain is not 15.6kg but less and just that the baby's growing weight contributes too.tapi pape eloklah jaga gak amount of food intake if possible.
ok enough blabbering further mummy to be :)

mai.marshmallow said... also craving lots of food..mainly Malaysian food...but im not pregnant..i am fat..hahaha..