Friday, March 12, 2010

note from papa..

Papa wrote a sweet msg on my fb's Wall...

"Meen and Munir
Glad all the festivities are over and a 'well done' job is all I can say and whilst pondering over the good times and beautiful pictures now is also the time for you twosome to hold hands together and come as one and make believable the 'one life' you have always wanted. Adjust to the new life for better... or poorer not caring what others or even me would have wanted you to have..stay humble for each other and love your surroundings as they come along even if it is distasteful to others. In fact its them that will have to adjust to your life. Be happy with what is given and insyallah more will come!! Hope to hear the good news in the year and keep me updated. Life is what you both make of it on your own not others!!!"

Thank you for the deep message pa..
Love you heaps! :)

Ppl have been saying that my little bump is showing..
and it's only 8 weeks! hehe...
I've started wearing baju kurungs to work now.. but I need a new wardrobe soon..!
Lamanye nak tunggu till Wednesday...

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