Thursday, March 18, 2010

Munckin's 1st photo!

Finally, the day has arrived..
Presenting.. Munckin's first photo!

Syukur Alhamdulillah..

Okay, the exciting part is shown, now the check up part.
To be honest, it was very brief & fast.I was expecting the 1st check up to be very long & tedious.. apparently not!
Maybe coz it's still early..only 8 weeks.
The doctor mentioned.. "See that.. that's the baby, that's the baby's heart, it is confirm, you are pregnant & you are having 1 baby.."
Well, that's good enough to hear..:)

Mr Bert did mention to the doc that he thought it would be twins, the doc casually replied "Twins are good for picture.. you see that picture there? Those triplets.. kesian mak dia jaga.."
Well, to be honest, I guess there was a smear of disappointment that it wasn't twins. But, after thinking the cost of 1 baby alone, imagine double the amount. I guess God is great.He knows how much we are able to support for the family, and maybe having twins might be draining (especially financially) for us.
Regardless.. twins or no twins,


The next visit is a month from today.. I hope the next visit, the doc will brief me on more indepth things about the baby. He only gave me folic acid, no other supplements. "Don't worry too much.. enjoy your pregnancy.."

Roger that doc!
Can't wait to see you next month munckin!


Ummi to Hamzah said...

:) i pun masa g first checkup gynae terus comment with a smile... Confirm ur pregnant and only 1 baby, not twins!
Must b common anticipation esp first time preggy mums kn tertanya could we hv twins?
Congrats mrs bert!

Anita, Mummy Adzryl said...

i am super happy for u, sweetie!! awwwww... u take care tau & make sure pesan mr.bert to do the same! awwww... kissy2!! :)'

*ahem* terer laa u! bunting pelamin ek? hihihi.. mwahs!

Yumi said...

mawar: we thought it could be twins coz my dad is a twin himself. Tapi takpe, adik munckin nanti maybe? hehe.. Insyallah.. Thanx mawar :)

anita: thanx anita! btw, i tak bunting pelamin la. I sempat 1 time period after kahwin. Tapi alhamdulillah, cepat lekat after :)