Monday, September 07, 2009

sweet 26..

"Go go go shorty..
We're gonna party like it's your birthday.."

Here are some pics from very simple birthday celebration with my loved ones.
It was a joint bday celebration with my big bro, who's bday is a week away.

The masks were my idea.. very impromptu.. :P

our funny faces.. :P

The cake was given by one aunty as a 'kuih raya'. I decorated the choc moist cake with M&Ms :M26 29. Cute kan Dzhofier's mask?

The bday boy & bday gal..

Presents! Ikea Mirror from Man, Small teddy mirror from Emer, a Pre-Wedding Spa from my parents (One of my wishlist! yes!), MC Parfum from Kak Long..

And what Mr Bert got for me? A bouquet of red roses, (awww.....) and a Thomas Sabo Charm Bracelet! (minus the charm).

"Nanti bila ader rezeki lebih, we'll add to your bracelet kay.."
"Can that be every once a month dia?"
I've chosen my next few charms:- Letter M, a pink butterfly, a pink heart, a cookie... and more to come.. *winks*

Nih mcm practice aje for our nikah... hehe..

Definitely one of the most "sempoi" bday ever.
Thank you to all for your kind wishes..
It's great being 26..and fabulous! (^_^)

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