Friday, September 18, 2009

(2)7 dresses

I got inspired to do this entry after watching this movie on HBO.

Yes, I know.. an old movie..(baru sekarang nak tengok).
And I love the movie very much!

Having this particular scene in the movie, where all her "bridesmaid" dresses were kept..

I decided to showcase my 'bridesmaid' dresses too!
I don't have 27.. but I got 7 dresses!

Looks like the colours of rainbow, right?
Well.. I wasn't a bridesmaid 7 times.. only 5 times as some wedding has more than 1 reception.

Dress #1- Man's wedding in 2002, baby blue baju kurung..
I wanted this particular flower detail on the baju. (copied the design from one of the mags)
Emer & I became the pengapits that night.
Being a first timer, I was really nervous!
And look at my make up! Gosh!!

Dress #2- Lan's day reception in 2004 @ Kluang- Gold baju kurung..
There were added golden flower 'tabur' all around the baju..
That's me at the left side of the pic. During this reception, the Sultan Johor came. So kena very formal..I also wore this baju during Kak Long's khatam quran ceremony.

Dress #3- Lan's night reception @ Kluang, a pink kebaya..
Love the button design of the baju..
The night reception was more 'informal' & relaxing..

Dress #4- Kak Long's nikah & day reception in 2006 @ JB, a creme kebaya top & red songket.

I love the embroidery of the kebaya, done by my tailor. The theme of the wedding was red, but I wore this attire to look slightly different from the rest. I wore this attire for my graduation too.

Dress #5- Kak Long's night reception, the 'Tiffany & Co' (Turquoise colour) baju kurung.
It looks slightly greenish, but that's the closet turquoise that we could find.
Everyone in the same shade. Wore this baju during Yaya's nikah too.

Dress #6- Naj's reception in 2007 @ Dewan Sivic PJ, a blue kebaya.
My favourite amongst all!

Naj didn't specify the colour for the wedding, so my mom chose this kain from Surabaya. Love the mermaid-fin like material & the detailing too.
Naj kept her promise for me to be her bridesmaid from high school.. It was such an honour! Dress #7- Finally, Boboy's reception in 2009 @ Dewan Felda,a golden-creme baju kurung.
I wrote an entry about this early this year, where I became an impromptu bridesmaid for the wedding. (The assigned bridesmaid was not well). Lucky thing the baju fits..
Hence, I became the bridesmaid yet again.. Wore this baju during Yaya's day reception.

So there you have it, all my 7 bridesmaid dresses.
I was, after all, a "professional" bridesmaid. hehe..

But now, I am resigning from that status..
I officially declare myself as.. the bride-to-be! (^_^).

ps: One sweet day, I will showcase all my Bride dresses.. Insyallah


Updated: When I was taking the pics of my dresses, my mom walked into my room & asked "What are you doing?"
I mentioned about the 27 dresses movie.. and she bursted out laughing..
" Do you want me to take the pics of you wearing each baju?"
We ended up didn't do so due to time constrain. And to find the matching tudung is another thing.
Lucky thing I managed to search the pics via friendster/myspace/facebook.
Gila semangat for this entry! hehe..

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