Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pray for my mom..

Dear all..
My mother will be undergoing a surgery to remove her uterus, as the doctor detected fibroids growing in her ovaries. The doctor assured us that the operation will be safe for my mom.
Please pray for her surgery to go smoothly, and pray for her speedy recovery.
Thank you..


Ummi to Hamzah said...

InsyaAllah meen,will pray for your mum.I can imagine how you feel as a daughter.Hang in there,be sure give her your 100% support and attention,it'll give her added strength and bravery to make it through with Allah's will.

Anita, Mummy Adzryl said...

meen dear, i feel u.. my mom went thru the same procedure too. removing her uterus 2 yrs back sbb fibroid. huhu. lepas ni, ur mom's hormone mesti berubah n if dia tiba2 cam marah or anything... let her be. mmg normal coz my mom pun camtu. huhu. anyhow, she'll be fine. jgn risau sgt k. take care dear. :)