Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Can't wait

This was done by one of my children, who always calls me "Teacher Henina.." :)

This morning, as I was parking my car in front of the school, I saw this couple. The man was on his motorbike, the lady just got off. They salam each other (she kissed his hand), they took turns to kiss each other's cheek, and he kissed her forehead.
"Awww...." I said to myself.
Ever since college times, I've always love to watch couples (read: husband & wife) saying goodbyes to each other in the morning.
It may be from the motorbike, or in the car. I've always witness their goodbye rituals.
Its so sweet & sincere.. can't wait for my turn one day.

Last Saturday, when I picked up Mr Bert, I moved to the co-pilot seat while Mr Bert sat at the driver's seat.
"Hello meen.." he said cheerfully.
And, believe it or not, I almost wanted to kiss his cheek! *gasp*
Oh course nothing happened. (Thank God!) I remain at my seat, smiling at him "Hey you.."
There was another incident last year during Ramadhan. It was our last meet before he goes back to kampung.
We salam normally wishing "Selamat Hari Raya.." and again, I almost bend down to kiss his hand.
I quickly stood still, and cover line "Eh, belum boleh lagi lah.."
Talk about embarrassment! O_o^

My Uncle asked us the other day.. "So, how's the preparations & all? Who is the one more excited?"
Mr Bert confidently pointed to me "She is.."
Chett.. is it that obvious? Hmm...

Had a quick chat with Gina also this morning..
"Mr Bert doesn't seem like the shy type.. He was very friendly that day..So curious wanted to know about the culture.."
Chewahh.. I feel so proud of my man! (^_^)

Okay, I better get back to work. Am talking time off from workm just to keep myself awake. Last night I finally slept at.. maybe close to 3am? Woke up at 6am as usual. Let's see how the days go yeah.. Toodles~

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