I read in CLEO today about " 10 Tell-tale signs you're a user". A 'User' in this article categories family, friends, and even neighbours according to their levels of "usefulness". Then ones that I agreed upon were:-
1) Friendship have a shelf life- The only reason Users make friends is because they are useful. For this reason, Users may find that their friendship never last long.
2) User loves the words "I need a favour"- After all, why would a self-centred User want to do favours for people?
3) The partner puts up with the User because he "loves" you.
I can't help it but to 100% agree to these SO SO true facts.
Miza would SO agree with me too, right Miza? *evil grin*
Siapa yang termakan cili, rasalah pedasnya..
I worked 2 days in a row this week. Alhamdulillah.
This time, I was rotating in between the 3 different rooms- babies, toddlers + kindi rooms.
During yesterday's kindi session, I taught them the "Jumba this, jumba that" song, and they loved it so much.Boy I miss teaching!
As for today, I encountered several interesting children.
In the babies room, one child kept on crying (without tears) + screaming his lungs out the entire time. Apparently his mom has lost a baby recently, and she didn't cope very well, hence the crocodile tears from the child. Poor kid.But after lunch, I played with him, and he was all bubbly + happy. He just needed that little bit of extra attention.Hope he gets that at home too.
I played blocks with the other babies, pretending to make towers & trains and also blowed some bubbles, especially to the younger babies. Boy they loved it!
In the toddler's room, I was there after their nap time.
One of the boys woke up, and I help him with his shoes.
Suddenly, he hugged me, rubbed his face to my chest, and guess what.. he fell asleep on my chest! I guess he just needed that extra body warmth to sleep onto. So, I was sitted on the floor, couldn't move to do my other duties.
Then, another girl who was wide awake, started to cry and said "Mummy? Mummy?". Seeing her like that, I said "Aww, you miss Mummy huh? Let me give you a cuddle". So she quickly ran to me and hugged me.
And there they were. On my laps, the boy on my left thigh, the girl on my right thigh.
I admit, it was a very intimate moment, having 2 kids, both cuddling, and one sleeping on you. But they were both rather heavy! Thank God they were adorable..Finally, the girl stood up and the boy gradually woke up. I think all of us "cuddled" for a good 15-20 minutes! Ain't it sweet.. =)
I think, I kinna like this job. I mean, I don't really mind. So far, I have visited 5 different centres in the past 4 weeks. And mind you, this is not the peak season of the year. So there will be more centres to come next year Insyallah..
So, I'll stay. For now. =)
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