Monday, May 02, 2011

worktrip begins..

"Siapa anak mummy?"

Chilling with my cheeky boy @ 7 months old.

Am off for my work getaway to the 2 islands, Singapore & Penang, 14 days in total. Mateen was sent to my parent's house. Surprisingly no tears from me nor him (just yet!), and he actually slept the entire time on my chest before handing over to my parents. I think he knows that mummy will be away, so he wants to manja2 with me..

After sending him off, I spent almost the whole day packing. Since the 2 trips are back to back, so I have to pack everything today.There's a total of 5 bags for both trips, I really hope I didn't leave anything behind..

This will be my first time away from my baby.. for a very long period of time. It has not sunk in yet, but I bet I will be missing Mateen like crazy..and yes, Mr Bert too..

Align Center See you boys this Saturday...

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