Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mrs Bert in the house..

Hola everybody...I'm back!
It has been 3 weeks since my wedding day.. time sure flies.
I appologize for not able to update this blog of mine..
We have internet at home, but somehow, I always been caught up doing other house chores.
Somehow, after being a wife, I feel more "semangat" to do any house chores..
Cleaning, tiding up, re-arranging furnitures, cooking~ tee hee hee..
It helps when you have your own house! :)

How's life as a wife? It has been good.. so far so good..
Of course, there were some bumps in the road.. some adjusting to do for both parties..
But hey, it has only been 3 there's still a long way to go..
And Mr Bert.. he has been a wonderful husband..
I thank Allah everyday for meeting me with a man who is so self-less and who loves me dearly :)
Syukur alhamdulillah...

I have lots to to share.. but when time permits yah.
Till then, good night folks. Mrs Bert is signing off.. xoxo

1 comment:

mum said...

the photo was perfect. you looked gorgeous...