Friday, December 04, 2009

preps preps preps..

Yesterday my schedule was packed with wedding preparations..

First stop:- Wedding venue..

My mom & I met with our decorator & the hall person, discussed about the arrangement of tables, main tables, ribbons for the chairs, etc. The next visit will be during the food tasting, in 2 weeks time. Must remember to bring my lovely shoes to 'practice' the walk. I have 8 steps to climb before I sit on the pelamin!!

The 'empty' hall..

The ribbon options for the back of the chairs..

Second stop: 1st fitting for baju nikah..
After the hall, we headed to Bukit Bintang to see my tailor. I was pretty nervous cause takut measurement lari. Thank god it didn't! She still need to alter more! *fyuhh*. Initially when I wore the baju, I felt normal. But, when I put on the veil, now that was when the feeling started to sink in.. I was looking at myself in the mirror, and said "Oh my gosh.. I look like a bride.. I am getting married!" The baju looks very nice, even without the pearls & beads. Can't wait for the baju to be ready! After the tailor, my mom & I bought the door gifts for the VIPs. *Kau-teem*. Also managed to meet up with my videographer in between. Will meet up with him again next week.

A sneak preview.. lucky thing the shoes match!

3rd stop: Ring hunting..
This time is with mr fiancee at KLCC. We both decided to get the rings early so we don't have to do last minute ring shopping later this month. (already we both are super busy.. so it is now or never!)Mr Bert has actually surveyed the rings/ bracelets the week before, so he knows the patterns & price range.

If referred to my engagement early this year, both families have agreed that I will be getting a bracelet for my wedding. But, as we surveyed the entire shop, we realized that the rings were "nicer" & more "affordable" than the bracelets. Plus, the ring that I chose was rather unique, with the "kerawang" element that I like. And a surprise, Mr Bert made an impromptu decision to give me a necklace & pendant for my nikah. 2 items for me! yeay!

As for his ring, we tried several designs, but we only liked one particular design. Simple, and yet.. very Mr Bert.. hehe.. lucky thing they have his size! Mr Bert was such in a good mood during the ring shopping.. best gak.. He did promised to get me the "bigger" ones in the future anniversary insyallah.. Better start eyeing.. :P Our rings are being sent for engraving.. I wish I can wear my ring now! :P

Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it..

Our rings! *yeay*

4th stop: Buying his 'toiletries' hantrans..
We were actually at the ring shop for 2 hours, (surveying, trying, and paying.. took us that long!)so buy the time we left the shop, we only have about 45 mins to shop for his toiletries. We quickly headed to Kiehl's & chose one of the men's set. Now, pending items are his shoes & the netbook.

My shopping spree for him...

Wow.. We accomplished quite a bit for the day, Alhamdulillah... I really enjoyed myself yesterday.

Oh my gosh.. I am getting married... (^_^) + (o_O)^


Before sending me home, we had a pit stop to fill in petrol.
Near the kiosk, I quickly ran out from the car to take the pic of him & his celebrity twin.

Mr Bert having a good look at his 'twin'..

Mr Bert in denial...

I told Mr Bert if he folded his arms & smiles exactly like that, confirm they both will look SOOO alike. But of course,he refused. Hmmphh..
Wonder when I can take a picture of the BOTH of them together.. One sweet day, I hope!

1 comment:

Mosaic of Food said...

Meen - love the dress already!!! Can't wait to see you in it. Tell Munir that the guy on the poster is definitely his twin. Hahaha.... There are quite a resemblance. But I am sure you told him that he is better looking!!