Saturday, November 21, 2009

40 days & 40 nights

Today was the final open day for the year.
Alhamdulillah.. there were 25 enquiries, and 16 registered students.
Together with the returning students, I have 75 students for next year.
Now, I need to have 10 more students so I can reach 85 students by January.
My personal target is 100, but let's see how it goes.

My project at this moment is to FINALIZE my montage pictures.
I have been delaying the pictures selection for quite a long time, so tonight I shall strive to confirm the pics. I must meet my videographer by next week!

Can't believe it's exactly 40 days till the big day!
It's getting closer & closer. dup dap dup dap..
So far I have received quite a bit of RSVPs, most are coming.
I hope we have enough seats for everyone!

Also, I'm counting the days till my little getaway for my hen's night.
7 days to go..Tak sabarnye~ :D

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