Monday, September 22, 2008

Dr Phil

A rainy sunday.. and I have time for myself! I wish I can afford to go for facial or something.. but not for this month..Pokai dah with the expenses for Raya.. T_T

Anyways, a lot has happend the past week. I was quite low most of the time.
I read Dr Phil's article in the latest 'O' Mag, and he said:

" My theory has always been if it takes a person that long to talk to himself/herself into something, then it's not right. You may end up staying in this dead-end situation because it is easier not to make a change".

I was SO affected by the statement. Sigh..

Right now.. I am just gonna play it safe. No more extra efforts. For my own good.
God is really testing me this bulan Ramadhan..
Let me be strong..Amin..
Hope the best is still yet to come..

On a lighter note, I found these for my scrapbook..

At least 'something' cheered me up. :)

Also, I've been occupying myself for my school concert.
The costumes, the dances, the props.. fyuhh..
Imagine Pirates- Red Indians- Gingerbread- Bear Hunters on stage! *gulp!*
Well, is that time again when Meen will be extra extra busy folks!
Adios for now. Selamat berbuka peps!

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