Monday, September 29, 2008

Trivia Ques..

1. How old are you?-
Quarter century old..

2. How old will you be in 3 years?

3. Will you be married then?
Haha.. Hope so, Insyallah..

4. Are your parents married or divorced?
- both.

5. Are you currently in a relationship?
- Yes indeed.

6. Have you ever been given a rose?
- Yeap..most recent was during Teacher's day!

7. What is your all-time favorite romance movie?
- Woah.. so many to mention.. I guess I will go for 'While you were Sleeping' & 'Love Actually'..

8. Have you ever been in love?
- Yes.

9. Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?
- Yes I do.

10. Have you ever had your heartbroken?
- Hell yeah! Been there, done that..

11. Have you ever seen a friend as more than a friend?
- Yes. Old story.

12. Do you believe on the statement of "once a cheater always a cheater"?
- Kinda..but sometimes ppl change for the better. Regardless, the cheater will never be in my good books anymore!

13. Do you like anyone right now?
- Yeap, very much.

14. Scared to fall in love?
- Used to have the fear..not anymore! (^_^)

15. At what age did you start liking the opposite sex?
- I think it was way back in Standard 2.. I used to like this boy who was so good in Art.. Raja Zulfiz! Gosh, still remember his name! hehe..

16. Are you and your ex(s) friends?
- I try not's for the better..

17. Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
- Depends on the scenario.. and the person too. I tend to hide it first before letting it out.

18. What song do u want to be played at your wedding?
- Haha.. a lot! Currently am loving 'Semua Untuk Cinta' by Mike

19. Three things you can't live without?
- Hmm, tough one. Handphone, my wallet & my specs! hehe..

20. Name the people you can tell almost anything to
- SHADES without a doubt!

21. Things you want to do before you die?
- If I can afford it, to travel to as many places that I've never been, especially to Europe.

22. Are you happy right now?
- I am content.

23. Are you a vegetarian?
- Nope.

24. Do you eat the stems of broccolli?
- Never tried.

25. Do you only drink bottled water?
- Don't think so.

26. Makeup?
- Yeap..

27. What do you wear to bed?
- Usually chafton..

28. Have you ever done anything illegal?
- Hmm...I think so! ha..

29. Have you ever had a panic attack?
- Err.. maybe I have..

30. Can you roll your tongue?
- No I can't! Seriously can't do it!

31. Are you a cold person?
- Don't think so..unless in a bad mood.

32. What's your favourite holiday?
- Woah, this is hard. I can't decide! long as I am with good company, anywhere is good. Like they say "It is not where you is who you are with.." *winks*

33. Hair color?
- Brownish Black

34. Ever dyed your hair?
- Yeap, loong time ago..

35. Hair type?
- wavy..

36. Future child's name?
- Well, there are a few ideas. Wait till the time comes..

37. How many kids do you want to have?
- At least 2 Insyallah..

38. Do you cry a lot?
- When I am super emotional and sensitive, oh yeah..

39. If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you go?
- Europe!

40. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
- Technically yes.. now Theodore & Harry are on the floor for the time being..hehe..

41. Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?
- unfortunately yes..

42. Beach, city, or country?
- beach!

43. Who was the last person you touched?
- hmm.. one of my kids...when she wished me Selamat Hari Raya..

44. When's the last time you cried?
- Oh, quite recent.

45. Do you wish for something?
- Oh definately. For more patience & courage in life, and for more money to spend..hehe..

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I had a chat with one of my kid in my office today. She stepped into my office just to have a chat with me! (sabar ajelah..kecik2 dah pandai ponteng class!). Anyways, she started asking..

"Teacher Helena, we went together to Beauty & the Beast right?"
"Eh, we didn't go together. We met each other there"
"Oh yes.. you were with a boy"
"Oh yes.. that’s right.. you remembered"
"You know.. my mommy call my daddy 'honey'.."

I burst out laughing..
I think she was trying to relate Mr Bert as my "honey".. awww...
Chomel kan? hehe..
Hmmm...from 'dia' to 'honey'.. (6_6)

Finally, the photos from Tuk's 80th Birthday is on the website! yeay! Visit Fatini's Site.
Lovely photos indeed!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Dr Phil

A rainy sunday.. and I have time for myself! I wish I can afford to go for facial or something.. but not for this month..Pokai dah with the expenses for Raya.. T_T

Anyways, a lot has happend the past week. I was quite low most of the time.
I read Dr Phil's article in the latest 'O' Mag, and he said:

" My theory has always been if it takes a person that long to talk to himself/herself into something, then it's not right. You may end up staying in this dead-end situation because it is easier not to make a change".

I was SO affected by the statement. Sigh..

Right now.. I am just gonna play it safe. No more extra efforts. For my own good.
God is really testing me this bulan Ramadhan..
Let me be strong..Amin..
Hope the best is still yet to come..

On a lighter note, I found these for my scrapbook..

At least 'something' cheered me up. :)

Also, I've been occupying myself for my school concert.
The costumes, the dances, the props.. fyuhh..
Imagine Pirates- Red Indians- Gingerbread- Bear Hunters on stage! *gulp!*
Well, is that time again when Meen will be extra extra busy folks!
Adios for now. Selamat berbuka peps!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

selamat berpuasa..

Salam to all..

First & foremost.. Selamat Ramadhan.. it has been 2 weeks already, and life has been quite hectic. From waking up in the morning for shahur, kemas dapur, then stay up straight till going off to work, work, leave office at 4pm, then pick up my mom, then either join in the "madness" crowd that goes to pasar ramadhan or help with the cooking at home, preparation for berbuka, berbuka, smbhyg maghrib, kemas dapur, smbhyg isyak, terawih, witir.. then, usually by 10am, I am SOUND asleep! so yeap, that's the usual routine for now. Lucky thing is a saturday today, so just gonna briefly update this blog of mine. Also, aside from the new routine, I wanted to update earlier, but this "blog skin" of mine sometimes will have this "limited photobucket" god-knows-what appears. Might consider to change this skin. Oh well, when time permit of course.

Oh dear.. my eyes are starting to get a lil bit heavy.. I think I need to sleep. So much for wanting to update! hehe.. Will continue later when I can. Selamat berpuasa..