Spent most of the day with her..
She bought me this to cheer me up..
Another addition to my teddybear family!
Thanx angie..you're the best!!
Newsflash: I got a permenant job!
Syukur alhamdulillah..
Well, it is a part time permenant job.
Am working at this childcare centre in the babies room.
And my shift? 2.30-6.30. everyday.
Pretty neat huh? =D
But, I hope the director will increase my working hours in time.
As they say, more hours, more money..
I start next tues.. Yeay!!
Last weekend : Miza's sheppard's pie, Haz's leg of lamb + mango pie, Dancing like crazy to the ps2 Revolution dance game, another marathon of Desperate Housewives season 3! (yes, am up-to-date, up to episode 15!), shisha-king, Uno cards...
Last weekend was good for my soul. (^0^)
Oh yes, a story I must tell..
While we were shisha-king, telling stories + playing Uno cards at the balcony, we heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I looked at Khairul, feeling freaked out. Like gosh, we were all here, who the hell is coming up the stairs at 2am!
And then, I saw his face..
"Finally! I've found where the noises come from! I've been looking everywhere, high + low. Hey guys, can you keep it low? I received a complaint from one of your neighbours. Just enjoy the night quietly right? It is getting pretty late. Goodnight everybody."
"Yes sir.. sorry bout the noise!"
*Gasp!* O_o
We were THAT LOUD!
You know, I have experienced this similiar incident during one of my Melb trips long ago.
I was at Shades' crib, with Shades, Wani, Renald, Anuar...don't remember who else were there.
We were playing 'Heart Attack' as I recalled.
Of course, Wani screamed the loudest..getting panic attacks easily.
Then suddenly, we heard a knock at the front door..at 1am in the morn!
Obviously we were FREAKED!
Anuar then bravely opened the door, and guess who was it?
"Excuse me, is everything alright in here? Someone passed by the house, and heard someone screaming. The person was concern. So, I am here to just have a check."
"Oh sir, sorry. We were just chilling. Playing cards."
"Oh alright. So, everything is fine I see. In that case, just keep it low ok. We wouldn't want any unsuspicious things happening around this neighbourhood. Have a good night then".
A police officer? A security guard? Complaining bout us??
Is either I have a bunch of NOISY friends..
or, am I the loud one?
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