You know, the other day, I was chatting with Adil..
and, when seeking advice from him,
I realized that he was using the same "wise-words-of-advice" that I gave him long ago.
Then, it started to "click".
The fact that he gave the same advice, my "wise words"..
makes me realized that, when dealing with situations in life, sometimes you can't see it for yourself..
But the other people, they can see it if not clearer, better.
My own words of advice! haha..
Still can't get over it!
How could I be SO blur...ish ish..
Thanx Adil for opening my eyes + heart... *winks*
"Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend.."
I love the song 'How to save a life' by the Fray.
It's so indepth..
Reminds me of somebody actually..
"The friendship that can come to an end, never really began"
Oh well, I've met 4 new friends for the past week.
I guess in life, when you lose some, you'll gain some.
"Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends who we choose" - Tehyi Hsieh
I've watched 2 movies since I got back.
Ghost Rider in Gold Class with Max.
and Dreamgirls with Lu Fee.
Shades, I agree with you..the devils in ghost rider were kinna freaky!
And after watching Dreamgirls, I wanna buy the soundtrack.
Yeay..1st month already? (^_^)
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