Sunday, October 01, 2006

this thing call love

I am surrounded by people who are in love,
Not complaining, but yeah.. the reality is that..
Although it sucks for me, but hey.. I'm glad to say I know how it feels..

I know how it feels every time you received an sms from him, the excitement that builds..
How when he types those sweet names for you (not trying to be mushy..)
How he just wanted to check how you doing, or watcha currently doing..
How he sms just to get in touch with you..

I know how it feels when you have the urge to call him..
How you just have that 'I-miss-you-so-much' feeling, that you need to hear his voice,
Or how excited you'll be when he just calls you
How when both are communicating, understanding each other, being there for each other..

I know how it feels when you are next to that person..
How you lean over at his shoulder, feeling safe + secure
How you hold his hand tightly, never wanting to let go..
How just being next to him, makes you happy..

I know exactly how they feel..
Gladly to say, if I were to die tomorrow, I thank God cause I have experienced it before,
The feeling of being in love..
And believe me, it is beautiful..
Although it is all over now, I thank God for letting me experience love..
The warmth, the agony,
The pain, the pleasure,
The power of love..

Love is love.. a beautiful thing.. and it is one of the best memories in my life, definately.. =)

"..kan ku jadikan kau kenangan yang terindah dalam hidupku.. "

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