Friday, March 11, 2005

I have 24 kids!!

Adelaide Campus Children's Centre Posted by Hello

Yeap, today is my first visit at my childcare centre for my prac..and I have 24 kids all together! The toddlers are James W, James M, Emma, Giorgia, Giorgian, Sophie, Adam, Benjamin, Chen Chen, Katherine, Kathleen, Nathan, Lauren, Zoe, Lily, Andreas, Lena, Bjork, Zac, Charlotte, Annabelle, Penny, Jaimee & Finian.. yeap, thats 24! woohoo~ Their ages are between 18 months to 3 years old (Imagine 24 Dzhofiers running all around me the entire day!) My fav kids would have to be James W (very manja, always holding my hand, always smiling..and imagine a little carebear, with a tummy!), Zac (he's so tiny & chomel!) and Emma (she followed me around, so I got to know her better). But of coz, all of them are cute, adorable & lovable in their own way..need to know all of them better..

I won't elaborate long about my first day. I did my reflection about my first day in my journal, and it was 6 pages long! haha.. But basically, I find the centre not well organized & it was very unstructured. But then again, maybe because the team leader was on MC, so maybe thats why things were haywire. I've already have a bad impression on the director (after she screamed her lungs out to the kids from across the playground! sighh) Anyhow, I've learned a lot today.. from the "speedy nappy change" (which I reckon I will do it next week! I bet I will be as slow as a turtle!), to "nap time" (the a sense of relief when they fell asleep infront of you), and basically, the various ways in handling & communicating with them! (some of them are still using their baby talks, so I just "assumed" on what they have to say!) Oh yes, Sophie is the only child with Down Syndrome, so I observed how the staff use sign language to communicate with her. It was fascinating!

Alrighty..1 day down, 21 days to go..I miss my little James W already! Can't wait till thurs..=)

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